Saturday, January 23, 2010

January 23rd. That's all it is.

I am currently sitting in the main office at New Life Ranch; it feels good to be home. It was my hope that in sitting here I might find a fellow bored soul to hang out with, but here I am, still alone. I'm okay with that for now, I'm just itching for some adventure!

Anyway, I remember that while I was typing up my last post (unfortunately dated back in September), I felt confused and unsure about what I was doing in Stillwater. So much doubt. Blaise Pascal said that "the heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing", but I like to kindly change 'heart' to 'Lord'. God has been revealing Himself - slowly, but surely - to me. Right now that's all that life is to me: one thing after another, just God loving and blessing me. I am living from glory to glory! It's time to have a thankful heart.

It's been raining all day. I don't like the cold so much, but the constant downpour reminds that spring is on its way! I like spring. I like the warmth, the color, the fresh air... it reminds me of my childhood, when my siblings and I could easily spend the entire day in our backyard. That reminds me of those ice pops that we used to get every summer; I remember the orange ones were always left, because none of us liked that flavor.

This was a very random post, I know. I've wanted to write something on here for so long but wasn't sure what, so I figured I should just start. My mind and heart are kind of, what's a good word to describe them? foggy? I feel I've been trying to clear them for a long time now, trying to get back to the person I used to be. Now I realize that all along I've needed to move forward, striving to be the person I want to be.

Many more random posts to come,
