Friday, November 2, 2012

Nerd Alert!

I l-o-v-e my job! I’m an office assistant, and it is wonderful. I love office supplies and faxing and organizing and processing payments and scanning documents and transferring calls and managing projects. I get giddy when our orders from Office Depot come in… it’s like opening a Christmas present!


Part of my job is problem-solving.
“I can’t remember my account password!” I gotcha covered.
“I accidentally charged $600 to my credit card instead of $100…help!” No problem.
“I need postage for this package.” Gimme.
“I just got a call from this number; do you know who tried to call me?” Any 1 of about 35 people. This one I still don’t know how to handle, because some people just aren’t very bright. That phone call and the email “can I sign my kids up for camp?” are the ones that make me think, really?

All that to say, I do so love my job!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

celebrate the season

The leaves have turned and are falling.  The sky is grayer.  The air is crispier.  
I am so very ready and excited for this time of change! 
This fall/winter time gives me a sense of stripping life of the old and the clutter, and snuggling up with just the bare necessities. I have what I need, and I have it in great quantity. 
I have a family, a home, food, and friends. I have love and I have laughter. 
I want to bundle up in a big sweater (which, by the way, I would live in every day of my life if I could), grab a mug of coffee, and just quietly celebrate the joys of this season.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

prized people

All kinds of people have made quite an impression on my life.

There are some people who have known me my whole life; they've continued to love me and take care of me, and they remind me of who I am at times when I forget.

Others came into my life during my teen years... these are pretty unforgettable. They were absolutely crazy, and wonderful, and joyful. They taught me to be ME, and to not be any different.

Still more entered my life that have encouraged me, challenged me, deepened my faith, and caused me to truly ENJOY life.

I am so thankful for the many people I know. The care, the laughter, the wisdom, the vanilla Dr. Peppers, the LOVE. I always hope that I tell every person that touches my heart, how much they mean to me. Their words and hugs and laughter has opened something in my soul that has allowed me to be ME, to understand worship and life and love.

Here's to many more days with these wonderful people! Thank you. :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

a desperate heart cries out,
longing to be set right.

a heaviness sets back in,
that reminds her of the darkest night.

her head hurts, her skin is cold,
her breath is shaky, her head is aching.

desperation almost overwhelming,
tears won't come for fear of faking.

yet a sadness deep within,
won't let the walls hold her back.

sinking, sinking, sinking,
through her eyes is fading, and black.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

as a child

Introspection. That's something I need to do less of. People may have expectations of me, and I may have expectations of myself. But as for today, I choose to not to care.

"I need to save money for this, I need to save money for that, I need to lose weight, I need to look at college options for next year, I need to be a better daughter, a better sister, a better friend..."

Those may be things I need to do, but I realize I continue to miss the heart of it all. When I am looking at me, I hardly ever see good things. That is why I need to look at Jesus and never look away. When he is at the center of everything I do, those "needs" seem to fall perfectly into place. Crazy, huh?

I sat in a gazebo at the Ranch today, just thinking. Just listening. Then it came to me. I try to fit this stereotype. I'm 23-years-old, I am trying to (mostly) support myself. Dad still helps with the big things like insurance. I am 23-years-old, I am trying to be a mature woman. I am trying to be witty, and smart, and clever, and in shape (doing poorly at this), and healthy, and wise, and caring, and this, and that.... it's exhausting. Plain and simple. I wear myself out, get mad, give up. Yes, I throw inward temper tantrums. I am 23-years-old, thank you.

Do you know what I WANT to be? A 23-year-old imaginist. A 23-year-old reader of wonderful books, like Peter Pan or Bridge to Terabithia. I want to watch animated movies. I want to admit to the whole world that I want a pet dragon. I want to be like Ginny Weasley when I grow up. I want to fly. I want to dream up this whole wide world and everything that could be, and BELIEVE in it. I don't care if it sounds silly; you're probably right. But as for today, I choose not to care.

I shall be as a child. I'm probably going to have more fun than you today...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Rescuer, My Savior

Jesus Christ didn’t just rescue us from something; He saved us for something!

“For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness...” (Colossians 1:13a)

Dominion – power, authority, control.

The ‘darkness’ refers to sin, the father of lies satan, and every evil thing.

We are no longer under the authority of satan. We are no longer under the control of our sinful nature.

“...and brought us into the Kingdom of the Son He loves.” (Colossians 1:13b)

The Kingdom of Jesus Christ, where there is no more sin, no more suffering.

I am reading a book by Kris Vallotton; in the third chapter he talks about our imagination being linked to our hearts. What I imagine myself to be, that is what I become. “For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7) Vallotton says “that which you focus on will determine your reality.” (The Supernatural Ways of Royalty) Thinking happy thoughts really does make a difference! “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it springs the issues of life.” (Proverbs 4:23)

Dwell on this: you have a God who LOVES you. You are rescued from the dominion of darkness. You have been brought into the Kingdom of His Son!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

this chapter

Yesterday I filled out a self-evaluation for work. I really don't like those things, but I suppose it's good to ask questions and ponder answers.

In one of the sections I was required to "name 3 things you would like to see happen in your life or in your ministry over the next few years". I filled out the first two blanks, but for some reason I could not decide on a third. I was thinking things like "I would love to go sky diving" and "I want to see a hundred African kids well-fed and laughing and dancing" and "I want to travel the world and write stories about the people I meet" and "I want to act in a movie" and "it'd be really cool to learn how to fly"...

There are so many wonderful things I want to see and experience in this life. I move forward, I wait, I'm stubborn and lazy, then I move forward again. Impatience and discouragement come, followed by inspiration and motivation. This is life. It's broken, it's beautiful.

I am happy to say that in this chapter of my life, I get to spend my time with wonderful people, live and work at a wonderful place, and bask in the knowledge that I will forever find delight in a wonderful Savior.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

do's and don'ts.

Things I do:

Above all else, I try to keep my faith in Christ at the very center of my life, the heart and source of everything. I trust God’s voice as my guide and Christ as my comforter. I pray, I practice confession and forgiveness, and I seek to see the world through the eyes of its Creator, believing everything can be redeemed. I’m part of my church community, volunteering on its behalf, and working to make a better city and a better world because of our church community.

I live in daily, honest, intimate community with the people at the Ranch. I give my time and energy and prayer to my immediate family and close friends. To a slightly wider circle of people, I give them my love and friendship through intermittent e-mails and very occasional visits.

I work hard to become a better writer with each page. I want to tell the truth as best I can, to tell the story of God and who he is and what he does, both through the way I write and the way I live. I write and read, in airports and coffee shops and book stores and on the dock by the creek. I read novels and magazines and children’s books and blogs and the Bible, and I couldn’t live well without those things.

And then there are, of course, a few other things I do, just for being a person in America who does not have a personal assistant and is not, say, the president. This list includes, but is not limited to: trips to Walmart and the bank, laundry folding, and occasional flossing. Even if I did have a personal assistant, I would stipulate that I still do my own flossing, because I’m just that grounded.

So those are the things I do, things I believe in or feel called to, or just things that fall within my area of responsibility on the planetary chore list.

Things I don’t do:

I don’t garden. As much as I like the idea of having my own garden, it’s not something I am willing to put the time and energy into right now. Gardeners talk about the spiritual implications of new life springing from the earth, or the deep communion with God that they experience as they lovingly tend to their herbs and flowers. But I’m going to have to miss out on all that, because, at least for now, no gardening.

I don’t always change my clothes just because I’m leaving the house. I wear sweatpants 95 percent of the time, and I pretend that other people don’t notice I’m wearing my pajamas in public.

I don’t always make my bed in the morning, standing firm on the adolescent belief that there’s no sense in doing something you’re just going to undo at the end of the day.

I don’t cook extravagant meals. I have recipes, and I follow them. I don’t try new meals all the time, because I love to bring food to the table with people I love gathered around, and it doesn’t need to be a stressful time for me. There’s a main course, a side dish maybe, some bread and salad. Throw in some iced tea and there’s a well-prepared meal, my friend!

Scrapbooking and photo album making are both on hold until I have my own family, although I do take pictures with family or friends and will hang them on my mirror or wall.

I don’t spend time with people who routinely make me feel like less than I am, or who spend most of their time talking about what’s wrong with everyone else and what’s wrong with the world, or who really like to talk about other people’s money.

I don’t go for runs. It’s bad for my knees, and I’d rather not have knee replacement surgery at 35-years. My forms of exercise are biking, swimming, playing on the ball field with the Ranch kids, or those fun little exercise videos.